Char’Nae Blackwell
Food plate is an educational tool used to help people understand the food on their plate and the nutrients they provide. The MyPlate suggests that we eat at least 30% of grains, 30% vegetables, 20%, fruits, and 20% of protein.
When it comes to my school lunches, I feel I am not getting the amount of food. I shouldn’t leave hungry afterwards, with no chance of getting extras.
Eating before learning is important for overall performance and productivity. Studies have shown that hunger can affect attention performance and alertness.
Alternative meals are presented at my school, but only in a few combinations. Either A. two Bosco sticks, a handful of corn, and an apple, B. a parfait and granola, or C. a salad with dressing.
Personally, these options don’t fill me up. And despite the options I have, I’m missing a few food groups. My only recommendation is to make sure that all meals contain a complete food group, that way students can be full and have all the nutrients they require.