Jalen Pryor
The school can serve us food from the natural food plants instead of it being frozen, then cooked. We should get foods like almonds, eggs, and fish that promote growth in children. The school lunch, just wraps the food in plastic and serves it to us from a freezer, which is not trustworthy. Children will not get the healthy food they need without knowing what they are eating. We should have a poster that tells kids the calories and the health benefits of school. There should also be a paper where kids come up with healthy food solutions for the school to add. Taking away processed food and replacing it with naturally cooked food will help children and show that the government cares. The Ohio Department should focus on helping kids’ immune systems rather than just feeding us processed junk Foods the Ohio Department should add are salmon, ginger, and grains. Since kids get sick, eating food that helps the immune system will keep kids in school. Kids need to get healthy ASAP so we should implement these food requirements on September 23.