Sienna Wilkes

Dancing, singing, lip-synching, and sharing ideas/opinions. Over 70 million Americans participate in these actions on the world known app TikTok. The United States is currently attempting to put a ban on TikTok, the main reason being that it is believed, China is using the app to spy on Americans. This argument is invalid, has many discrepancies, and in general, has a lot more pros and cons. And later paragraphs, evidence will be presented that represents the use and need for TikTok reasons are as followed; tick-tock is a great news, source, and topic/idea opener for the young generation and tick-tock. Is people the right to use their voice and stand up for their given rights first amendment.

As the years passed, new generations are forming, along with new opinions and ideas as all generations, our departure in. Out of the millions of teens, it is widely known that barely any watch the news or actively participate in issues, going on wrong with the world. The group of teens, young adults, etc., that are active in the world topics mainly get information from social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. It is believed by many that young people use their cell phones and social media, but this used can’t be, and is being used in the beneficial ways.. This has even been sought out by the Texas government who made an account to educate the young residence in Texas. Even according to CBS news, in 2023, 43% of TikTok users reported to using and receiving helpful news from the app.

The first amendment gives US citizens freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Lots of Americans use of TikTok to voice this natural right. A number of people sort of use TikTok as a break, or a way to feel free. Millions of people may actually contest to feeling more comfortable being themselves and voicing opinions on social media (more specifically TikTok), than in real life.

The main argument supporting the band of TikTok is the idea that the Chinese officials are used with the app to spy on American citizens. Firstly, there is no truly harmful information threatening America that China could get off of normal US Citizen’s cell phones. If anything, the US government has been exposed for spying on Americans countless times, hypocrisy at its finest. There’s a number of mower presentation the government should be putting times, money, and attention to other than a dancing comedy app.

TikTok has no true, hard to America and or its citizens. TikTok is a valuable source for information informing are young generation on what’s going on in the world and helping people feel free, using our natural rights. Instead of focusing on the Marinette could go for anything, the government should be putting in more effort into actual issues. Such as, the hate crimes, the poor, the hungry, etc.

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