Mariah Myers

The Tulsa massacre was cruel, unconstitutional, and inhuman. The destruction of black Wall Street was done to men, women, and children; hospitals, salons, stores, and homes were destroyed all in the name of hate. More than 400 people were killed with no sense of remorse or acknowledgement.  


      Where Black Smoke  Burns 

The air is thick with ash left behind from our homes discarded next to piles of bone. We were seen as less than human our only purpose was to be worked and discard to make room for the new quote bigger End Quote man. 


We built a place for our families and because we thrive they say we deserve to be burned away to die. 


The plane circled yet our history is never shared there was no full circle made we are just left with the burning train of disdain. 


So again, our people rise and take the trash and reform the ash and build a nation that is for all men. 


No longer will this be a people who hides from a klan formed by man who hate a color of skin just because they can. 


This message of hate is not birthed but learned so no longer will we underestimate the power of our people this time we will differentiate. 


They tried to eliminate the hope of a better place but we will annihilate that standard and relate to the debate and make the great escape to our better place. 


Welcome to our promised land a place where people of all color stand back-to-back and face to face this will be a place that doesn't discriminate. 


We will no longer separate and instead pick up plates and celebrate. 


So everyone takes your weight at the pearly white gates and make the changes in the state. 


Welcome to our promised land the one the ancestors hoped for to fight for our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of all men.  

LLI Central