Cristy Almengor
Back in the day all white people and the KKK try to stop the black community from living a life any other human was able to have. White built houses were prohibited from having African Americans living in them. This just pushed the African community to poorer places. Even though the constitution stated that there should be no discrimination against races, African Americans were not allowed to purchase land, get help from the state/ government or vote. All of these laws and racial superiority created poor, unkept and ignored black neighborhoods.
But programs such as the NAACP and other counted educated black men attempted to change that and purchased land in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Which later became known as Black Wall Street, a thriving black community. Thriving black Americans were never heard of because of racial superiority. White Americans murdered so they could be better than other races and manipulated others into thinking the same. Through this cycle of hatred, no other people were let to become someone in their society. As a result, problems arose and soon came the Tulsa race riot. Who incited it? White people did. They came and ransacked houses, burned some places down.
Whenever people think about race riots they think about black Americans protesting but this was not the case. Schools in America need to open our eyes more and teach us about our history like it is without anything omitted. That's not the case. Schools do not teach you the important events only the ones they think we should learn. As a result, no one really knows what the toast Tulsa race massacre.