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We The People

10th grade students demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of constitutional principles and have opportunities to evaluate, take, and defend positions on relevant historical and contemporary issues in a simulated congressional hearing.

11:00 - Columbus 5A

11:20 - Dayton 5

11:40 - Columbus 5B

noon - Cincinnati 5

11:00 - Dayton 6

11:20 - Columbus 6A

11:40 - Cleveland

noon - Columbus 6B

12:20 - Cincinnati 6

Resilience Cafe

11th grade students will present spoken word pieces from the perspective of someone that the students identified as having been resilient based on their research about a US Supreme Court case of their choosing.


10:00 - noon Morning Session

12:30 - 2:30 Afternoon Session

10:00 - noon Morning Session

12:30 - 2:30 Afternoon Session

Moot Court

12th grade students will present oral arguments in the case of Tracy Matthews v. State of Ohio.

10:30 - Akron/Toledo (P) v. Dayton A (R)

11:00 - Break

11:10 - Dayton B (P) v. Columbus C (R)

11:40 - Break

11:50 - Dayton A (P) v. Cincinnati A (R)

12:20 - Break

1:10 - Columbus A (P) v. Dayton B (R)

1:40 - Break

1:50 - Cincinnati B (P) v. Columbus A (R)

2:20 - Break

2:30 - Columbus B (P) v. Cincinnati B (R)

10:30 - Cincinnati A (P) v. Columbus B (R)

11:00 - Break

11:10 - Cleveland (P) v. Akron/Toledo (R)

11:40 - Break

11:50 - Columbus C (P) v. Cleveland (R)