Jonathan Morales

Title IV was introduced to fill in the gaps that were made with previous titles such as IV which did not cover sex discrimination in education and VII which did not cover sex discrimination in education. Its appearance has been both beneficial and harmful. On one hand it has created more opportunity for women. Before, most athletic scholarships were given to men. The new title created more access for women to receive them as well. It has also prevented schools from expelling pregnant students. It creates flexible programs that worked with personal schedules.

While all of this has been amazing for women flourishment in work fields and athletic fields, it has inadvertently created some issues. Before one in four women experienced sexual harassment while in attendance in college. After title IX was published these rates have increased. Women and men are found together more often. 8 schools have failed to make structure to protect women from getting harassed. It also cut many programs instead of increasing diversity this was because schools were faced with the problem of money usage. To increased diversity they would have to spend a well amount of money. To save money, they cut the programs entirely which covered the cut of many athletic scholarships and educational programs.

I think that in order for more protection in title IV laws such as protection structures and program support. Protection structures such as separation between genders could decrease the number of sexual harassment encounters. Everyone would still have the same opportunities, just different environment. Program support policies could help schools with a loss of income to diversify their programs so everyone can participate instead of just cutting them.

For my high school, walnut hills high school provides equal educational, vocational and employment opportunities for all people regardless to race, gender, ethnicity, color, age, disability, religion, national origin, creed, sexual orientation or affiliation. With a union or professional organization they are in compliance with title VI, title IX, section 509 of the vocational rehabilitation act. They have both a title IX and section 506 student coordinator. So in overall my school covers close to all bases to ensure that no discrimination occurs.

So overall, title IX is a good document that needs a bit of work in order to cover all the gaps to ensure women cannot get taken advantage of. My school also has a strong policy that makes sure no discrimination occurs inside of that school.

LLI Central